Dynamic Aging
Dynamic Aging, the book, is an invitation to millions of people to accept the challenges of later life with gusto. Based on the model of the poem Mad Woman of Chaillot, we are challenged to begin again each day. “To be alive is very fortunate.” As I approached my 80th birthday I began to examine my own feelings about getting old and the prejudices which our culture ascribes to older people. I was shocked to realize that 10,000 people retire each day and that those who are over 100 are the fastest growing segment of the population. This book is a response to the challenges that Baby Boomers will face as they reinvent their identity, decide how to spend their time and develop new interests and commitments. As importantly, this writing seeks to open a dialogue, to challenge limiting concepts, overcome negative attitudes and practices which limit full participation in life and ultimately change the present paradigm about aging. It is not a treatise on health, nutrition or exercise, rather each chapter offers inspiration so that elders may be fully engaged in living a dynamic life. Please click on the tab above entitled 'Dynamic Aging' to get more information about the book.